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Scary nurse Rebeka Black

Nurse Rebeka Black stood in the medical room, a place she was all too familiar with. It was a place of medical procedures, blood transfusions, and other treatments. It could be a scary place, and she was used to seeing patients in pain, or scared about the unknown. But today, Rebeka was the one who felt a bit of fear. She was about to perform a difficult procedure, one she hadn't done before, and the stakes were high. She took a deep breath and stepped into the room. As she looked around, she was reminded of why she had chosen to become a nurse. The room was filled with medical equipment, and the sight of it made her feel a little bit better. She was ready to face her fears and do what she had to do. With a renewed sense of courage, she got to work. She was going to make sure her patient was taken care of, no matter what.

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